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Tucker Carlson SHAKES the internet with a christian Palestinian interview Zionists are MAD that that interview came out
April 11, 2024

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons




Tucker Carlson a right-wing commentator who is big on X right now has just dropped a video of him interviewing a Christian Palestinian about the suffering of Christians in Israel, Gaza, West Bank caused by zionists in Israel.
They talked about how American politicians and Christian politicians turns a blind eye, in fact supports Israel for their war crimes against Palestinians and Palestinian christians.
They also talked about how many churches don't stand with the Christian population in Gaza.
They talked about the fact that Christianity is the religion of peace, and how those so called "christian" politicians support Israel.




Now what Tucker and that Palestinian is saying is true, christians are oppressed in Israel and Palestine by Zionists, Israel oppresses Chrsitian population and Palestinians every single day and christian politicians in America has been very silent about that.



1 reason I could think is that Israeli lobbies pay politicians HUGE amount of money every year, and if you know how American politics work, you would know that without money, you can't win an election.



Israel is the biggest lobbie in America, and they have massive influence over American politics



Tucker's interview was awesome and I respect him for being brave knowing the criticism he will get from the zionists.



Why don't you watch the interview too

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Conservative Zionists has launched an attack against Tucker Carlson and liberals are supporting the conservative zionists

Tucker Carlson is a real baller, he is not afraid of anything, he was not afraid of the politicians in washington when he interviewed Putin and he is not afraid of Zionists when he interviewed a Christian Palestinian today.


Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons





He probably knew it but there was a big backlash from the zionists both from the left-wing zionists and the right-wing zionists.


Both Zionists has launched an attack against Tucker Carlson calling to deplatform him off twitter or X.


Tucker Carlson has a big following and he will use his platform to speak the truth.


Zionists don't want the truth to come out.




Zionist Right-wing influencers like Laura Loomer and Andrew Kalavan has been OUTRAGED by Tucker Carlson.

The zionists on the left has also supported this.


They are furious at Tucker for speaking the truth.


It's clear to everyone with any decency that Israel is bad, Israel is evil.


But Zionist conservatives and Zionist liberals has had a MELTDOWN over this.


I mean, search "Tucker Carlson Israel" on YouTube, you will find many zionists being angry at Tucker Carlson.


Tucker Carlson is a real baller



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Tucker Carlson SHAKES the internet with a christian Palestinian interview Zionists are MAD that that interview came out

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons




Tucker Carlson a right-wing commentator who is big on X right now has just dropped a video of him interviewing a Christian Palestinian about the suffering of Christians in Israel, Gaza, West Bank caused by zionists in Israel.
They talked about how American politicians and Christian politicians turns a blind eye, in fact supports Israel for their war crimes against Palestinians and Palestinian christians.
They also talked about how many churches don't stand with the Christian population in Gaza.
They talked about the fact that Christianity is the religion of peace, and how those so called "christian" politicians support Israel.




Now what Tucker and that Palestinian is saying is true, christians are oppressed in Israel and Palestine by Zionists, Israel oppresses Chrsitian population and Palestinians every single day and christian politicians in America has been very silent about that.



1 reason I could think is that Israeli lobbies pay politicians HUGE amount of money every year, and if you know how American politics work, you would know that without money, you can't win an election.



Israel is the biggest lobbie in America, and they have massive influence over American politics



Tucker's interview was awesome and I respect him for being brave knowing the criticism he will get from the zionists.



Why don't you watch the interview too

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Piers Morgan, You're So Fucking Lost! Hamas, Israel, and the Genocide You Conveniently Ignore

Alright, let's get this straight.
Piers Morgan, you're so fucking lost, man.


Number 10, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons


So fucking lost
Your recent "Do you condemn Hamas" speech is like a broken record, repeating the same old tune. But guess what? We're not falling for your distraction tactics.
You see, Piers, while you're busy pointing fingers at Hamas, Israel is out here committing genocide.



And you're just sitting there, like a clueless puppet, asking people to condemn Hamas.
Do you condemn Khamas, three times, motherfcker? We don't give a sht! Let's talk about the real issue here.
Israel is systematically wiping out Palestinians, and you're too busy playing the blame game with Hamas.





It's like you're trying to shift the focus away from the elephant in the room – the genocide being committed by Israel. But we see right through your shit, Piers. Your "Do you condemn Hamas" speech is just a feeble attempt to distract us from the truth. And let's be real, you're not fooling anyone.
We know what's going on, and we're not going to let you or anyone else sweep it under the rug.
So, Piers, let's talk about Israel's genocide, shall we? The systematic oppression, the land grabs, the apartheid policies – it's all there for the world to see.
And yet, you're so focused on Hamas that you're turning a blind eye to the real atrocities happening in Palestine.
Do you condemn Khamas, Piers? We don't give a fucking shit!!!!! We're more concerned about the fact that Israel is committing genocide, and you're doing nothing to stop it at all!!!!!!





Instead, you're wasting your time with this pointless "Do you condemn Hamas" crap. You know what, Piers? We're not buying your bullsh*t anymore. It's time for you to wake up and smell the coffee.
The genocide in Palestine is a real issue that demands your attention, not your half-assed attempts at deflection. So, do you condemn Khamas, Piers? Who gives a fuck? Focus on the genocide, man. That's what really matters.



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